Temporary Design Museum

Temporary Design Museum

Temporary Design Museum featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



The original building had limited space and heavily relied on artificial lights, which was against common expectations of kindergartens. The design has kept the entire structure and created an atrium. Taking advantage of the original structure, the atrium transforms the liner into a woodland. Columns and beams immediately become trees and bridges. Continuous stairs and slides spiral up around the columns, connecting and activating spaces.

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Puer Community

The project is located in the well-known tea producing area in Yunnan, China, with a pretty landscape and a pleasant climate. It is a design case for the sales hall of a large real estate project. The sales hall has an area of 2,700 square meters and a height of 10 meters. The building is in a curled tea-leaf-shape and has a glass exterior wall. The interior space continues the architectural appearance artistic conception with a tea-leaf-shaped installation as the visual focus and functional layout orientation.

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The Book That Grew

A book with 10 tangible lessons and 10 pieces of practical advice designed to help maximize sustainability. These 10 steps enable farmers to achieve a 'perfect' 10 rotations of grass grazing per year, and produce 10 tons of grass per hectare, a truly powerful number that will massively improve the sustainability of even the most efficient farm. A book grown entirely from the very grass that Irish farmers nurture - with each page, each word, and each diagram shaped by real grass roots as they grew.

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Zhuhai Jiuzhou Poly Tianhe Jinghu

Humans evolved from the sea, live on the land, and can swim in the bosom of the sea. When we see birds flying high in the sky, we can't help asking: does human life stop between land and sea? Five hundred years ago, leonardo Da Vinci wrote the Manuscript of The Flight of Birds. He was the first person to design an aircraft in theoretical form, and it was also a great attempt to touch the sky.

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An Villa Aesthetics Pavilion

With spatial scenes extending Shaoxing's historical and cultural endowments and natural context, the project is expected to transform naturalistic oriental sentiments into contemporary life aesthetics through design and artistic expressions. The design weakens the commercial and marketing purposes of the project by creating inclusive spatial experience, which evokes strong emotional resonance of users in a warm and silent way.

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Elemental Lounge

This project was created for Casacor Peru, the most important architecture and interior design exhibition of the Americas. The topic was Planeta Casa, meaning our planet is our home. The inspiration to design this space graphically divided into black and white was to represent day and night during the equinox, when day and night are 12 hours long. The challenge was to achieve harmony working with the most radical contrast in the color palette, dovetailing the contrast using only different textures and materials, and ultimately representing consonance and peace between opposites.

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